Building South Dakotas student leaders

our organizations


What are Career & Technical Student Organizations up to?

CTSO's enrich students in professional development, leadership, and industry specific skills with several aspects of our organizations.

Our collaboration empowers CTE teachers who want to build chapters rich in career confidence and student leadership by eliminating barriers and increasing support.


We Specialize In

Leadership Events

Join us for diverse leadership trainings across South Dakota.

Advisor Trainings

New and seasoned advisors alike, utilize the advisor trainings as you see best fit your organization and student teams. 

Coming Soon

State Officer Events

State Officers are the face of their organization and get the opportunity to attend several events during their year of service. 

Capital City Experience, Summer Leadership Training

Industry Partnerships

We have many partners who contribute to the success of the CTSO Center in several capacities.

Contact Us



CTE students, particularly when they participate in career and technical student organizations (CTSOs), have a better idea of their career path than other students.

According to findings from a survey by the Manufacturing Institute, SkillsUSA and the Educational Research Center of America, CTSO participants are more likely to say they plan to pursue a career in their area of study than non-CTSO participants and 61 percent of CTSO students say their career path is clearer because of CTE. This supports prior research on the benefits of CTSOs.

While much of the results from this survey point to the positives of CTE, a few data points are concerning. For instance, only 3 percent of respondents identified guidance counselors as an influence on their career choices.

In addition to the survey results, the report highlights the importance of CTE activities beyond the classroom, such as CTSOs and work-based learning, as well as industry initiatives to foster student engagement in career sectors, in particular the Manufacturing Institute’s Dream It. Do It. campaign.

Partner with South Dakota CTSO's today!

Partnering with student leaders to ensure our future workforce is equipped to keeping South Dakota top-notch!



"SkillsUSA along with my post-secondary education has allowed me to do many things that I otherwise would not have been able to. I feel that I have grown personally as well as professionally esp in applying my passion by running my own automotive sales & repair business." 

Matt K

"HOSA helped me get where I am today by giving me opportunities to learn what I wanted to do, and giving me valuable experience through different events to also rule out different things I knew I was not interested in. It's totally okay to not like something! That just means you are one step closer to knowing what you want to do! HOSA also helped me set up job shadows (which I know is hard right now during a pandemic) to see different careers first hand and figure out more about what I wanted to do."

Calie K